Magento – cart vs. mini cart issue … rwd theme


I use the rwd theme (slightly modified but not this part) and my cart (before checkout) shows a strange behaviour.
The part with the "item-options" is only shown on some items.
I mean the part

  <?php if ($_options = $this->getOptionList()):?>
        <dl class="item-options">
            <?php foreach ($_options as $_option) : ?>
            <?php $_formatedOptionValue = $this->getFormatedOptionValue($_option) ?>
                <dt><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($_option['label']) ?></dt>
                <dd<?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> class="truncated"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $_formatedOptionValue['value'] ?>
                <?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?>
                <div class="truncated_full_value">
                    <dl class="item-options">
                        <dt><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($_option['label']) ?></dt>
                        <dd><?php echo $_formatedOptionValue['full_view'] ?></dd>
                <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif;?>

which will be included in the /template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml.

Until now I can't find a reason for this. The mini cart in the header contains this part and for every item.

I could narrow down the problem a little with what I tried so far:
Using /template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml from the base theme changes nothing, but if I remove the part for the header mini cart in /layout/checkout.xml everything is fine.

But I cant't see why the (unchanged) header mini cart could cause this issue.
And to make it more weird, this demo shop (which uses the rwd theme) doesn't have the issue: see here.

Any thoughts what I could do or check?

Best Answer

I had this issue and it was driving me crazy, as it turns out this was caused by jquery-1.10.2.min.js (or jquery in general) being loaded twice, the second time by a module. I stopped the module from loading jquery and the minicart now functions as the demo site you linked.