Magento – Cartid is a required field error in custom payment


I am using ccavenue payment module in my site. For guest users payment is working fine, it's redirected to the payment page. But for logged in users I am getting this error while placing the order. I checked in headers cartid is passing to the payment. My magento version is Magento ver. 2.1.11

cartId is a required field

Anybody have an idea?

Best Answer

Have you tried this one?

It was issue in early release of Magento 2. But after reporting it has been fixed.

Override the file in any custom module


Find the function createIfActive after the line


Add $storeId

You function would be like this:

public function createIfActive($carrierCode, $storeId = null)
    return $this->_scopeConfig->isSetFlag(
        'carriers/' . $carrierCode . '/active',
    ) ? $this->create(
    ) : false;