Magento – Catalog price rule doesn’t apply if the date is set to today


I'm trying to set scheduled catalog price rules in my store.

When applying a catalog price rule to my store it does not work when the starting date is set to the current day.

It does work when I subtract one day of the current date.

Examples (using 2016-11-21 as the current date):

  • From: 2016-11-21. Doesn't work.
  • From: 2016-11-20. Does work.

Is this supposed to happen? If not, what could be the issue?

I'm running Magento CE

Thank you!

Best Answer

Problem in this instance is on these lines

$fromTime = (int) strtotime($rule->getFromDate());
$toTime = (int) strtotime($rule->getToDate());

Update the two lines to

$fromTime = (int) Mage::getModel('core/date')->gmtTimestamp(strtotime($rule->getFromDate()));
$toTime = (int) Mage::getModel('core/date')->gmtTimestamp(strtotime($rule->getToDate()));

You should add class to override if you can.

Please check more detail here:

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