Magento – Catalog price rules work only on the catalog page, not in single product page, cart and checkout


I have Magento 1.9

I created a rule for discount 3 of my categories.

Immediately the rules works perfect, I see that everywhere sould be. But after a few time (I tried, but I didn't understand how much time or in consequence of what) the rules doesn't works good:

The rule work correctly on the catalog and category page (I see the discount), but when I go on the product's single page the discount dosn't work anymore.

The same thing when i go to the cart page or in checkout.

Pratically my discunt never work.

I tried to use the default theme, i tried to disable the plugin one by one but the problem persist.

This si an example:


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

Best Answer

I had the similar problem. I solved it. In my case, the problem was actually only for not logged users. So, I checked groups users for NOT LOGGED IN group id. By default, it must be 0. But in my case, it was a different value. So, I change it to 0 (directly in DB via phpMyAdmin) and it works . Note, after change id need apply your rule again.

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