Catalog Promotions – Discount Appears in Product List but Not in Product View


I’ve applied some promotions to my products. After few days applied the promotions disappear in the product view page but remains in the product list.

For example, in the list, the promotions appear:

But in the product view, the promotions don’t appear:

The version it’s a clean magento The problem appear few days after applying the promotion.

Any help would be apreciated, thanks!!!!

Best Answer

OK, now I'm really scared. I worked on the same issue 3 days ago. What were the odds?
This may be the reason: Because the promotions (and special prices) can be set to have a time limit, the product prices need to be rebuilt each day, to check if the promo price is still available.
This seams to work for me: I didn't have the cron setup for my magento instance. (Rookie mistake that I'm ashamed of admitting). Add this to your crontab:

*/10 * * * * php -q /path/to/magento/instance/cron.php