Magento 1.9 – Resolve Catalog URL Rewrites Stuck in Processing


Magento – Catalog URL Rewrites – Index Management – Stuck in Processing.

I have had this happen in the past on earlier versions of Magento and I have been able to get one of the fixes already online to work (replace app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/URL.php in Local with patch / code fixes) – I also have the Index Optimization module installed.

Nothing is fixing it this time. I am on a shared server with limited direct server shell access. Also – there is no file in the var/locks folder.

Any and all help/suggestions would be appreciated.

Best Answer

OK As you dont have SSH access and you cannot fire command directly,

so you can setup cron with your cpanel

just go to your cpanel and setup cron with near by time with below command

 php -f  /your_magento_dir/shell/indexer.php reindex

So choose your near time so cron run with in that time and your problem would solved.