Magento – Fix Category Filters Not Appearing in Layered Navigation


Category filters are not appearing in Layered Navigation. I am not using any plugin for layered navigation. Attribute and Price filters are appearing.

I have set Is Anchor and Show In Navigation to YES for all the categories. I have read other answers on stackexchange as well. No idea why this is happening.

In app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Layer/View.php (Line 207)

return $this->getChild('category_filter'); is returning NULL.

Best Answer

Thanks Cags! I did a whole search and found out, one of the xml files was removing the category_filter by the unsetChild method. Thanks a ton.

So the answer is, if you stumble upon such errors, do a full file search with the block name, and you will find the culprit "xml" file which may be removing the block forcefully.

In my case this happened:

        <reference name="catalog.leftnav">
            <action method="unsetChild"><name>category_filter</name></action>
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