Magento – Category menu linking direct to product


I have a single product and I'd like to link straight to it from the category button is this possible?

For example I have a category called "custom Cut Board"

I only have one product attached to the category. To reduce clicks I would like it when they click the category title it goes straight into the product page.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Yes this can be done by using the URL Rewrite Management option in Magento Admin.

In Magento Admin:

  1. Select from menu bar Catalog > URL Rewrite Management.
  2. Click on the Add URLRewrite button.
  3. Select the category you want to redirect from.
  4. Make a note of the ID Path (e.g.: category/10) and the Request Path (e.g.: flowerpots.html)
  5. Repeat steps 1 & 2, but this time select Custom from the Create Urlrewrite dropdown box.
  6. Enter the values in each field:

    • ID Path (from step 4)
    • Request Path (from step 4)
    • Target Path - enter path of your product (or the page you want to redirect to).
      • example 1: for product url enter flowers.html.
      • example 2: for product url enter sale/garden/flowers.html.
  7. Select Redirect Permanent (301) from the Redirect dropdown.

  8. Save.

Now when the category is clicked on on your website it will re-direct to the product. For more see here.


You can can do this by creating observer controller_action_predispatch_catalog_category_view

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