Category URL Rewrite Not Working After Upgrading to Magento 2.3.1 – How to Fix


After upgrading to Magento 2.3.1 from 2.3.0, Category URL Rewrite don't seem to be working.

After the update, now when I am creating a new product, the URL that's being generated is something like this: The correct format should have been

My settings are as follows:

  • Configuration >> General >> Web >> Search Engine Optimization >> Use Web Server Rewrites: Yes
  • Configuration >> Catalog >> Search Engine Optimization >> Use Categories Path for Product URLs: Yes
  • Configuration >> Catalog >> Search Engine Optimization >> Use Canonical Link Meta Tag For Categories: No
  • Configuration >> Catalog >> Search Engine Optimization >> Use Canonical Link Meta Tag For Products: Yes

What seems to be working though is, after creating a product, if I go and change the category to some other category, & save the product again, the URL re-write seems to be happening.

Again if I revert back to the original category, even now the URL re-write seems to be working with Clean URL being generated.

Best Answer

Finally after trying a good amount of 'this & that' for the past 3 days, I seem to have found my solution.

There can be numerous reasons for this issue to occurs; but in my case the issue was occurring due to one single reason, and that's mainly the 'Single Store Mode' being turned 'On'. For in-depth solution please visit the following link:

Other handy solutions I would recommend:

>> Solution using Extension:

If you are experiencing this issue after Migration from CE 1x to CE 2x, then try this:

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