Magento 1.9 – Create Order in Backend and Request Customer Payment on Frontend


Is it possible to create an order on behalf of a customer from the backend, save it so that an order number is generated, and then somehow get/guide the customer to pay for it on the frontend?

I imagine something where the order will be created with the Order Status set to Pending Payment, and then the customer will either be asked to log in to access their cart with items pre-populated from where they can then checkout, or they will need to punch in some unique reference (perhaps under the Orders Information form).

Best Answer

To create an order and then ask the customer to pay for it is not possible without creating a custom payment method along with the workflow that would enable the customer to login, select there order, and enter there credit card info.

However by default magento allow you to create a quote in the admin (not an order) and move it to the customer cart.

enter image description here

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