Magento – Certified Professional Developer Exam reading material


Recently Magento announced Certified Professional Developer exam for Magento2.

After reading in this page

I have some questions about the exam.

  • What is the passing score for this exam?
  • Which study materials useful for preparation of this exam?
  • Except from the Free study Guide, are there any other study materials available for this exam?
  • Are there any passing criterias for the Commerce (Enterprise) edition just like we have in the Magento 1 Developer Plus Exam?
  • What is the retake policy for this exam?
  • How many free retakes are available?

Best Answer

Here you go:

Passing score: 64%

Free study guide is a good starting point.

Areas to focus on:

  • Magento Architecture & Customization Techniques
  • Request Flow Processing
  • Customizing Magento UI
  • Working with databases in Magento
  • Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model
  • Developing with Adminhtml
  • Customizing Catalog
  • Customizing Checkout Process
  • Sales Operations
  • Customer Management

You can also get a nice brief of the exam and details around it here:

Sample Test Questions:

More Info from Max Pronko:

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