Magento 1.9 – Change 5 Stars Rating to 10 Stars Rating


I want to change how many stars a product rating is out of? Obviously the default is out of 5, I would like to change it to 10.

I want this so that I can output 'half stars' on five stars in the review details for individual rating.

any suggestion are welcome.

Best Answer

You can add in rating_option table but from it may get conflict with already exiting customer ratings and reviews. fields are : option_id rating_id, code, value, position

If you want to install fresh magento script then in set up file.


You will find for loop in it change it to your digit.

for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i ++) {
        $optionData[] = array(
            'rating_id' => $ratingId,
            'code'      => (string)$i,
            'value'     => $i,
            'position'  => $i

But this only works at the time of module installation. You need to change this before set up magento.