Magento2 Configurable Product – Change ‘Choose an Option…’ Text


On a configurable product I would like to change the text 'Choose an Option…' to 'Select an Option…'

I have attempted to change the i18n translation file within my theme, and cleared cache – however this has not worked.

Can anyone please advise of the file that needs updating to change this text?

Best Answer

There are 2 ways to change the text either using language file ( recommended ) or in template file :

Lanuage File CSV : copy below file to your theme folder and update translation as required.


or Change in template file ( not recommended as this would create issue while adding multiple-lanuages / translation, so you need to update this in all _csv files:

copy below file and add in your theme folder ( /package/theme/Magento_ConfigurableProduct/templates/product/view/type/options/configurable.phtml )
