Magento – Change Images shown in slider


I'm working on a Magento site for the first time so my knowledge is very limited. I'm trying to change some of the images used in a slider from a product:
enter image description here

The slider is generated from the media.phtml file. The URL for the thumbnail images is obtained with <?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($this->getProduct(), 'thumbnail', $_image->getFile())->resize($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); ?>

After some research I've found that all the images should be under /media/catalog/product but I can't find the image corresponding to the product because the URL obtained is a cached image and not the URL to the original image. Where are this product images stored in the directory structure under /media/catalog/product. Is there any way to change them through the admin panel?

Best Answer

You can change any product image from magento Admin Panel

1) Login to Admin->Click on Catalog from top navigation->select Manage Products

2) Filter product by name or sku in manage product grid and click on row of the appeared product.

3) When product is open click on Images from left tabs.

4) If you want to add images click on browse button and select images that you want to upload then click on upload button.

5) If you want to remove images from that product just click on checkbox from column remove and click on save button from top right button sets.

Hope it will help you to update images of products.

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