Magento Cart – Change Item Options in Cart: Last Item Not Saved


I would like to change some options of the items present in the cart.

On the checkout_cart_add_product_complete.

I launch the following function:

 public function TreatShipConflicts($observer)
    //Analyse du nouveau produit ajouté au panier

    $_cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
    $_items = $_cart->getAllItems(); 

    foreach ($_items as $_item) {

        $_options = $_item->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)->getOrderOptions($_item->getProduct());
        $Flag = 0;
        $optionid = 0;
        Mage::log("CART to be changed");
        foreach($_options["options"] as $_option) 
            if ($_option['label'] == 'ShipMth')
                $Flag = 1;
                $optionid = $_option['option_id'];
        if ($Flag == 1) {

        $optionnb = "option_".$optionid;

        $item22 = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getItemById($_item->getId());
        $options = $item22->getOptions();       

        foreach ($options as $option) {
            switch (true) {
                case ($option->getCode() == 'info_buyrequest') :
                    $unserialized = unserialize($option->getValue());
                    $unserialized['options'][$optionid] = 'TNT';
                case ($option->getCode() == $optionnb) :


All my items option are changed EXCEPT the last one (the last added in cart i.e. the one that triggered the event)…

(I was before triggering on the checkout_cart_product_add_after event, but read on a so post that the item was not yet saved, and then it was impossible to customize its options at this step. I then changed to checkout_cart_add_product_complete, (where at this point it was said to be really an Item and really in cart, but got the same result..)

Thank you for your help,

EDIT: An info that maybe can help. When I add my first item in cart (cart empty) (item that then will be the unsaved one), I have an error on $options = $item22->getOptions();which means that it is clearly not the same item type as the others…

EDIT 2: still searching… and found a new strange thing : when my cart has items in it and that I remove the last added item (the one with unsaved options), when I add a new item in cart, I have got the same error as the first EDIT !
If I remove another item (not the last one), I can add an time without the $options = $item22->getOptions(); error but the option modification is still unsaved…

EDIT3: I checked the database using phpmyadmin and the "sales_flat_quote_item_option" table still have the unmodified options values for the last added item

Best Answer

I'm not sure, but I think that you should get last addet item that way:

$item = $observer->getQuoteItem();
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