Checkout Shipping – Change Method Based on Weight and Destination


I couldn't find a good solid answer for my scenario so forgive me if this has been asked. (I googled and checked the suggested questions when asking)

Anyways, I have a client that wants anything over 10 ounces to be USPS Priority Mail, and any international order to only show USPS Priority Mail International. All the options are highlighted in the back end and I am kind of stumped as this doesn't seem like an issue I was really hired to deal with…

Regardless, is there some way I can use table rate shipping or something so that I can do something similar to this psuedo code:

if weight greater than 10 ounces
shipping method = USPS Priority

if destination NOT in US
shipping method = USPS Priority International

To be honest, I don't even know the difference between shipping methods. (Who physically mails things nowadays? 😛 ) But, that's what the client wants, can anyone point me in the direction of accomplishing this?

Much thanks in advance! 🙂

EDIT: On some larger orders, USPS doesn't even show up as an option during checkout. Is it because of weight?

Best Answer

Since I cannot add comment can you check the following links or there is a free extension by Webshopapps Matrix Rates I think this will solve your issue .