Magento – Change Tax text to VAT


I have already looked at the following post
magento checkout change TAX to VAT
I've done this part:
You can change this by going into you Magento Admin. From there go Sales -> Tax -> Manage Tax Rules. Then rename the name of your Tax Rules from "Tax" to "VAT"

I've also done a Search in All the Themes in app\design\frontend\ For 'TAX' _('TAX') and every conceivable search for TAX and manged to change the following URL /checkout/cart/:


Total Excl. VAT £83.33

Tax £16.67

Total Incl. VAT £100.00

The part in bold I can't seem to alter no matter what I can't find where to change it???

in app\design\frontend\base\default\template\tax\checkout\grandtotal.phtml

line 40 is this bit of code

    <?php echo $this->renderTotals('taxes', $this->getColspan()); ?>

This is the part what displays it, but not sure which file, database table it is pulling from, If anyone knows it would be much appreciated.


Best Answer

Actually, you just need to update all things in CSV translation file. If you are in UK, you can use en_GB language package. It will solve the issue.

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