Magento – change the Shopping cart title


On the checkout/cart page I need to change the Shopping cart title.

Where can I find it in the code?

Best Answer

Never edit core files in Magento!

Solution without changing core files

You can define custom translations in your theme, create the following file if it does not exist yet:


(replace en_US if you use a different language)

Note that this should be a project specific theme, not rwd/default or some_bought_theme/default. If you did not already, you can add a child theme next to default and specify this one as theme in the system configuration. You don't need to copy anything from the default directory since Magento falls back automatically, so you only need to add the files that are customized.

In the translate.csv you can add your custom translations. Since the translated string is "Shopping Cart" and it's coming from the Mage_Checkout module, you need to add this line:

"Mage_Checkout::Shopping Cart","Whatever you want to display instead"
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