Magento Extension – Change Text Box Value OnChange of Select in system.xml


I have added select option SFTP host with values production, sandbox in my system.xml file of custom extenstion. There is one text field SFTP port in system.xml. I want to set the text field value on change of selection.

If I select production , then port value = 22
If I select sandbox , then port value = 21

<ftphost translate="label">
<label>SFTP host</label>
<ftpport translate="label">
 <label>SFTP port</label>

new system.xml

<liveenvironment translate="label">
                            <label>Live environment</label>


class gb_gbgsp_Model_Adminhtml_System_Config_Source_Sftpcomment extends Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data
    public function getCommentText(Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element $element, $currentValue)

    $result = "<script type='text/javascript'>    

            function init_comment()

                $('#carriers_gbgsp_liveenvironment').observe('change', function(){
                    var field_value = $('#carriers_gbgsp_liveenvironment').getValue();
            document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){init_comment();});

        return $result;

Best Answer

you can add your js through comment model

<ftphost translate="label">
    <label>SFTP host</label>
    <comment> <![CDATA[<script type='text/javascript'>    

        function init_comment()

            $('yourslelectid').observe('change', function(){
                var field_value = $('yourslelectid').getValue();
                //add your condition here
        document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){init_comment();});