Change ZIP to POSTCODE in Estimate Shipping – Magento 1.9


I'm working with the madison island template in 1.9.1 and when you are viewing the cart the shipping estimator shows COUNTRY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP.
I'd like to change STATE/PROVINCE to read as CITY/REGION and also ZIP to read as POSTCODE.
Can somebody describe which files and where in those files I need to amend to achieve that please. Thanks

Best Answer

There are 2 ways:

1. Directly in the translation file -


2. If you activate inline translate in the admin panel -> System -> Configuration -> ADVANCED -> Developer -> Translate Inline -> Enabled for Frontend : Yes (don't forget to add your IP in Developer Client Restrictions -> Allowed IPs).

These are the proper ways of doing it. But it will change these words everywhere on the checkout. So if you like to change them only in the Estimator - there is another way (but it's not recommended) - to change them in the template file - app/design/frontend/rwd/default/template/checkout/cart/shipping.phtml.

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