Magento – Changing Custom theme color in Magento 2


MY custom theme extends Magento Blank theme.Following this link,
I added _theme.less in my css/source folder & placed the code provided on above link in it.Flushed the cache.
But still changes are not reflecting on my site.

Am I missing something?

Best Answer

The topic you referenced states:

After the Grey theme is applied, store pages will look like following:

You need to apply your theme after you create the theme's files.

Apply a theme

After you add your theme to the file system, you can apply it to your store. You apply a theme in Admin.

To apply a theme:

  1. In Admin, go to Stores > Configuration > Design.
  2. In the Store View drop-down field, select the store view where you want to apply the theme.
  3. On the Design Theme tab, select your newly created theme in the Design Theme drop-down.
  4. Click Save Config.
  5. If caching is enabled, clear the cache.
  6. To see your changes applied, reload the store front pages.

See this page for more information.

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