Theme Header – How to Change Logo Position in Responsive Theme


I'm using the ultimo theme, and have some issues with header logo position.

My logo is a square box, with some graphics 'sticking out' on the left. Let's say it looks like this:

The K is the edge of the box, and the C is ‘sticking out’.

In the default layout, this alignment looks no so good – the logo is too far right. What I need is for the edge of the box (K), to be aligned with the left border of the page body/menu nav.

If I force the CSS like this:

.header .logo-wrapper { position: relative;
left: -15px; }

It kind of works, moving the logo a little to the left and the alignment looks as I’d hope.

But the responsiveness breaks. I need to somehow adjust the css when the small sizes kick in.

How can I do that? What is the best way to move the logo left?

(I know this might be theme specific – but not sure, so asking anyhow. I have a feeling this is more about responsive-theme handling in general)

update: here's a graphic to show what I mean:

Best Answer

Your approach for large screens is correct, but I would suggest using negative margin instead of left positioning. Now, when the screen is smaller, your content container will ocupy all the width of the screen, so you cannot use a negative margin anymore because the logo will go outside the container, i.e. outside the screen.

In this case you will have to reset the left margin to 0 like this:

.header .logo-wrapper { margin-left: -15px; }
media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { // You can change the breakpoint to whatever you want
    .header .logo-wrapper { margin-left: 0px; }
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