Magento1.9 – Changing the Default Theme


Read this fully guys please

While I was checking in Google for changing the theme I got this blog (click this link) for installing new theme in the second part of this blog there was a heading "

How To Install A Downloaded Magento Theme

under the heading in the second paragraph

2. Copy entire app folder of your new theme under Your_Magento_Installation/app/design/frontend/default/ so it becomes like Your_Magento_Installation/app/design/frontend/default/new_theme

3. Copy entire skin folder of your new theme under Your_Magento_Installation /skin/frontend/default/ so it becomes like Your_Magento_Installation/ skin/frontend/default/ new_theme

there will be another default theme i.e. folder of magento
what should i do now….

new theme i.e. the downloaded also has folders app and skin so
the folder structure will be like for downloaded ex: shoestore/app/ and shoestore/skin

do you mean that i should copy the entire folder app from downloaded theme and put it in this folder C:\xampp\htdocs\magento\app\design\frontend\default

as it becomes like C:\xampp\htdocs\magento\app\design\frontend\default\app\design\frontend\default

I cannot understand what he really mean?

*****Can anyone explain me
or can anyone suggest me how to install a new downloaded or
can prefer me any link

Best Answer

Create a new directory in app/design/frontend and in skin/frontend. And in those new directories, create one more folder, name it as default and copy required files within default folder.
Go to System->Configuration->Design. Give the name of newly created directory as package name. Save it. You may need to clear cache. And you should see that custom theme in front end.

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