Magento – check if attribute value already exists


I want to check if attribute value already exists programatically.

i created a unique attribute in magento say regnum , now i want to see if for any regnum value if there already exists product or not ,

can u please guide me how to do this ? i am bit new and can not figure out how to do it

Best Answer

  • Write a shell script
  • Create a product Collection which give list products which have regnum fields

  • group this collection by grouByAttribute('regnum')

require '[Your_Magento_DIR]/app/Mage.php'; Mage::app("admin"); umask(0); $collection=Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection'); $collection->addAttributeToSelect('renum'); $collection->groupByAttribute('renum'); $renumValues=$collection->getColumnValues();