How to Check if Category is in Top Navigation in Magento


Is there a magic function for checking if a category is included in the top navigation and if not what is the correct way to check programmatically?
I've come across a few possible ones online such as


but none seem to work on the site I'm working on at the moment so I would appreciate a concrete answer.

P.s. I would have checked the file that the top menu is being rendered from but for some reason I'm having a nightmare trying to find it.

Best Answer

Ok so found a solution.

I just loaded the full category object


(as a side note, loading the full thing isn't a great idea in terms of implementation but it's a good way to see all of the attributes)

and then saw that it had this attribute [INCLUDE_IN_MENU] and I just used this to find out if a category is part of the top nav or not by

       //do the business 
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