Product – How to Check if Product Exists Without Exception in API


Is there a way to check whether a product already exists in Magento using the SOAP API that doesn't require using exception handling for the control flow?

I have the following code that works, but I wouldn't say it follows best practices.

Dim productExists As Boolean
    Dim webService As MagentoService = New MagentoWS.MagentoService
    Dim productInfo As catalogProductReturnEntity = webService.catalogProductInfo(sSessionId, sku, String.Empty, Nothing, "sku")
    productExists = True
Catch ex As SoapHeaderException
    productExists = False
End Try

I have to catch the SoapHeaderException and then use the fact that the exception was thrown to know that the product doesn't exist.

Best Answer

I'm not sure how .NETs SOAP API would handle this, but I'd try using the catalog_product.list method with a SKU filter. If the resulting list/array/collection/whatever-its-serialized-as is empty, then you know the product doesn't exist.

Per the comments below, the following code should get you that list

Dim productExists As Boolean 
Dim webService As MagentoService = New MagentoWS.MagentoService 
Dim filters As filters = New filters() 
filters.filter = {New associativeEntity() With {.key = "sku", .value = sku}} 

Dim productInfo As catalogProductEntity() = webService.catalogProductList(sSessionId, filters, String.Empty) 

productExists = productInfo.Count() > 0