How to Check if Subcategory Exists in Current Category


I have the following category setup in my magento store:

store root
bedroom    kitchen     bathroom    
|            |            |            
furniture  furniture   furniture         
lighting   lighting    misc

I need to be able to check if the category misc exists as a subcategory in my current category or not, and if so show a particular block.

So if i was in the kitchen category it would not show but in bedroom and bathroom it would.

How can i do this this check?

Best Answer

You can get the list of subcategories of a category like this:

$currentCategoryId = 10; 
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()
    ->addAttributeToFilter('is_active', 1) //only active categories
    ->addAttributeToFilter('parent_id', $currentCategoryId);

If you want to check if only a specific category is your case with the name 'misc' just add an additional filter to the code above:

$currentCategoryId = 10; 
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()
    ->addAttributeToFilter('is_active', 1) //only active categories
    ->addAttributeToFilter('parent_id', $currentCategoryId)
    ->addAttributeToFilter('name', 'misc') //filter by name
    ->setPage(1,1) //set a limit to the collection

And you don't even need to load the full collection. You just need to check if the collection from above has at least 1 item in it.

if ($collection->getSize() == 1) {
    // 'misc' exists
    $url = $collection->getFirstItem()->getUrl();
else {
    // no 'misc' subcategory for you.
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