Magento – “Check permissions” Extension Uninstall Error Magento connect


Trying to uninstall the extension by Magento connect but am getting


Check permissions

I have followed some magento.stackexchange answers but I can not find the solution. like
Error with unistalling a theme through Magento-Connect

Best Answer

The file's path does not seem to be correct. Anyway, try to connect your server via SSH and execute the following command

ls /var/www/mageboy/app/design/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/outofstocknotification/widget/

If you get the grid.phtml among the listed files - try to set correct permissions for the entire directory:

chmod -R 755 /var/www/mageboy/app/design/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/outofstocknotification/widget/

If you get something like "No such file or directory" instead of the list of files for the first ls command - unfortunately, Magento downloader registered a wrong path for the mentioned file. In that case the easiest way is to remove the entire extension manually.

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