Magento – checkboxes on layered navigation in the filter block


which core files (controller,model and resource files) specifically needs to be edited to add check-boxes on layered navigation in the filter block in Magento.

What I have done till now is that I have added check-boxes and a JavaScript file which extracts ids of the products and then sends them via GET parameter to the controller.

I am not able to proceed beyond this since I am new Developer and do not know how is the controll passed and handled.

so, I want to know which all files do I need to override to make this feature functional?

Best Answer

  1. Log into admin panel and go to System > Configuration

  2. Select the Main website or your current store as Current Configuration Scope

  3. Select Developer tab under ADVANCED section

  4. Click on debug section and set Template Path Hints to yes and Add Block Names to Hints to yes

  5. Refresh the cache ( go to System > Cache Management )

  6. Refresh the front-end

  7. Now you'll see the relevant files to be overridden