Magento Enterprise Checkout – Guest Not Showing Up


I've found a strange behavior, something related with the cache, I guess.

When I'm in the checkout just give me the options:

  • register
  • login

And I'm pretty sure that "Checkout as guest" is enabled.

And when I navigate in private mode I can see the checkout as guest.

Thank you.


Checking the file: ../template/persistent/checkout/onepage/login.phtml
and there is a condition

<?php if( $this->getQuote()->isAllowedGuestCheckout() ): ?>

The really weird thing is that when I'm in private mode (still with that xD) or in a browser with clear cache or in a browser that I've never used that condition is true, but other way is false.

Best Answer

I was reading about "Persistent car"

I think you don't understand the cocept of "persistent shopping cart" in Magento. This has nothing to to with allowing guest checkout or not. The only thing that it does, is to set a cookie that will allow the customer in his next visit to the website [...] persistent shopping cart disadvantages

So I suppose that it was the cookie that cause that behavior. I set to No "Persistent Shopping Cart", and solved that issue with the guest but is kinda frustrating because I've had to disable the "Remember me", I guess that I've to choose between one and another.

"During the time a persistent shopping cart is use, both registered customers and guest shoppers are required to either log in to an existing account, or create a new account before going through the checkout process"

So there's the answer. Thanks to everybody for your answers.

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