Magento – Checkout ‘hanging’ in Magento 2


I installed Magento 2 with Softaculous successfully. I only added code to .local host in Magento root for running 3 stores based on the same Magento installation (taking the code out does not make any difference to the issue below).

On 2 of my stores, after adding to cart and clicking "Go to Checkout' the screen only displays the 'logo and the 'order summary' without the 'shipping' step, see
Same for my Contoursbaby (Malaysia) website.

On the third store however it consistently works fine, running the SAME Magento installation:

'Checkout with PayPal' works fine on all websites.

I had a well-known Magento extension developer have a look at this, however they could not find the solution.

Some background info: the website runs on shared hosting on Litespeed Server. We had to run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy to make images appear.

Best Answer

Solved, see as suggested by @srynot4sale

Fix was to enable the country specified in the "Default Tax Destination -> Default Country" in "Country Options -> Allowed Countries"