Magento – Checkout loader stuck


In checkout page loader stuck and spinning forever. There are no js errors in console. HTML of spinner looks like this

<div id="checkout-loader" data-role="checkout-loader" class="loading-mask" data-mage-init='{"checkoutLoader": {}}'>
    <div class="loader">
        <img src="<?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo $block->getViewFileUrl('images/loader-1.gif'); ?>"
             alt="<?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo __('Loading...'); ?>"
             style="position: absolute;">

File checkout-loader.js looks like this

], function (resolver) {
'use strict';

 * Removes provided loader element from DOM.
 * @param {HTMLElement} $loader - Loader DOM element.
function hideLoader($loader) {

 * Initializes assets loading process listener.
 * @param {Object} config - Optional configuration
 * @param {HTMLElement} $loader - Loader DOM element.
function init(config, $loader) {
    resolver(hideLoader.bind(null, $loader));

return init;

I tried console.log on init() function and it works, but not in hideLoader() function – so it is not called.

Also site using IWD_Opc extension.

Can you please give a hint where to look up the error


Here is some dirty fix that works for me.
I added line


to init() function in checkout-loader.js

and line


to removeBlockLoader() function in block-loader.js

Best Answer

I had the same problem a while ago, it was caused by someone removing data-mage-init='{"checkoutLoader": {}}' inside app/design/frontend/PartyShowroom/default/Magento_Checkout/templates/onepage.phtml

The div for the checkout loader should look similar to this:

<div id="checkout-loader" data-role="checkout-loader" class="loading-mask" data-mage-init='{"checkoutLoader": {}}'>

No idea if this could be the case for you but it's worth a look. If this isn't the case it's worth debugging the checkoutLoader JS.