Magento – Checkout option of Ajax Cart Popup does not redirect to one step checkout


I am using Ajax Cart Popup

And One step checkout extensions.
But when I click on check out button in popup cart, it redirects me to default one-page checkout. I want it to redirect me to one step checkout page.

What is needed to be changed?

Best Answer

Please change code in file : HusseyCoding_AjaxCartPopup_Block_Popup

Find bellow function

public function getCheckoutUrl()
  return $this->_getCheckoutUrl();      

And replace below function

 public function getCheckoutUrl()
//Make sure please put your One step checkout extension module enable or disable condition here
            if (!$this->helper('onestepcheckout')->isRewriteCheckoutLinksEnabled()){
                return $this->_getCheckoutUrl();
            return $this->getUrl('onestepcheckout', array('_secure'=>true));
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