Magento – Clear All URL Rewrites – Enterprise (1.13)


After several messed up imports, I've been left with a load of URL rewrites that I need to remove.

I'm running Enterprise 1.13

When I've had this problem in community, I've simply truncated core_url_rewrite, and the reindexed.

However, in Enterprise, I notice that there a number of different tables that control rewrites.

  • enterprise_url_rewrite
  • enterprise_url_rewrite_category_cl
  • enterprise_url_rewrite_product_cl
  • enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect
  • enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_cl
  • enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_rewrite

Am I safe to truncate all of them?

I fully anticipate for someone to tell me that I should never truncate these tables, so apologies for the naivety in advance.

Best Answer

We we're in the similar situation as you James. After a lot of digging this is what I came up with:

The core_url_rewrite table is now deprecated, instead Magento EE 1.13 now stores the rewrites in enterprise_url_rewrite.

Tables: enterprise_*_category_rewrite use catalog_*_entity_url_key tables to rebuild the two rewrite tables when you run php indexer.php --reindex catalog_url_*

When you add a 'URL Redirect' in admin Catalog->URL Redirects for a custom URL it gets added to the enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect table and the flag for Magento that the index is now outdated is entered into enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_cl table which when running php indexer.php --reindex url_redirect rebuilds the enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_rewrite table.

Quick note, any table ending in _cl is safe to truncate, the 'CL' stands for Change Log and is used by Magento to check if re-indexing is required.

As far as the URL Key tables go, I'm still a bit clueless as to why there two URL Key entries one in catalog_*_entity_url_key and one in catalog_*_entity_varchar (attribute id 90), but I assume this is what happens:

When you create a new product/category Magento uses the name to generate a url_key which is placed in catalog_*_entity_url_key AND in the catalog_*_entity_varchar, but the primary table used by Magento is the catalog_*_entity_url_key because if you truncate it and run php indexer.php --reindex catalog_url_* your enterprise_*_category_rewrite tables will be empty and products/categories in the frontend will display ugly urls i.e. (not SOE friendly) I believe the two tables are related and are used to build the enterprise_url_rewrite table because this table stores a 'request_path' most likely the url_key inside the catalog_*_entity_varchar table and an 'identifier' which is the primary URL Key from the catalog_*_entity_url_key table. I could be completely wrong about url_key and varchar tables, so I'm just thinking out loud.

Anyway to successfully truncate and rebuilt all rewrite tables you can execute:

TRUNCATE TABLE `core_url_rewrite`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_catalog_category_rewrite`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_catalog_product_rewrite`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_url_rewrite`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_url_rewrite_category_cl`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_url_rewrite_product_cl`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_cl`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_rewrite`;

and then run:

sudo php indexer.php --reindex catalog_url_product
sudo php indexer.php --reindex catalog_url_category
sudo php indexer.php --reindex url_redirect

If you also truncate enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect then you will loose all of your custom redirects that you see in your admin panel, perhaps this is your goal since you were left with a ton of useless URLs. As long as you DO NOT truncate the '*_entity_url_key' tables you'll be fine.

Our story was a little different, because we had duplicate URL Keys and major problems with product names from excel imports after upgrading to 1.13 from 1.11 so I wrote this quick script to reset the catalog_product_entity_url_key table and the URL keys and URL paths in the catalog_product_entity_varchar table using product names. I attached the code below, but if you use it, use it at your own risk.


$dbHandle          = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
$productCounter    = 0;
$nameFixCounter    = 0;
$vUrlKeyFixCounter = 0;
$urlPathCounter    = 0;
$urlKeyCounter     = 0;
$productCollection = $dbHandle->query("SELECT entity_id, sku FROM catalog_product_entity");

while($product = $productCollection->fetch()) {    
  $dataString       = null;

  $oldProductName   = $dbHandle->query("SELECT value FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."' AND attribute_id = 65")->fetch();
  $oldVarcharUrlKey = $dbHandle->query("SELECT value FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."' AND attribute_id = 90")->fetch();
  $oldUrlPath       = $dbHandle->query("SELECT value FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."' AND store_id = 0 AND attribute_id = 91")->fetch();
  $oldUrlKey        = $dbHandle->query("SELECT value FROM catalog_product_entity_url_key WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."'")->fetch();

  $newProductName   = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim(preg_replace('/[^\x20-\x21\x23-\x2B\x2D-\xE7]/', ' ', $oldProductName['value'])));
  $newUrlKey        = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', trim(preg_replace('/[^\x30-\x39\x61-\x7A]/', ' ', strtolower($newProductName))));

  if (strcmp($oldProductName['value'], $newProductName)) {
    echo "-[".$oldProductName['value']."]\n";
    echo "+[".$newProductName."]\n";
    $dbHandle->query('UPDATE catalog_product_entity_varchar SET value = "'.$newProductName.'" WHERE entity_id = "'.$product['entity_id'].'" AND attribute_id = 65');

  if (strcmp($oldVarcharUrlKey['value'], $newUrlKey)) {
    echo "-[".$oldVarcharUrlKey['value']."]\n";
    echo "+[".$newUrlKey."]\n";
    if ($oldVarcharUrlKey['value'] === null) {
      $dbHandle->query("INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_varchar (entity_type_id, attribute_id, store_id, entity_id, value) VALUES ('4', '90', '0', '".$product['entity_id']."', '".$newUrlKey."')");
    } else {
      $dbHandle->query("UPDATE catalog_product_entity_varchar SET value = '".$newUrlKey."' WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."' AND attribute_id = 90");

  if (strcmp($oldUrlPath['value'], $newUrlKey.'.html')) {
    echo "-[".$oldUrlPath['value']."]\n";
    echo "+[".$newUrlKey.".html]\n";
    if ($oldUrlPath['value'] === null) {
      $dbHandle->query("INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_varchar (entity_type_id, attribute_id, store_id, entity_id, value) VALUES ('4', '91', '0', '".$product['entity_id']."', '".$newUrlKey.".html')");
    } else {
      $dbHandle->query("UPDATE catalog_product_entity_varchar SET value = '".$newUrlKey.".html' WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."' AND store_id = 0 AND attribute_id = 91");

  if (strcmp($oldUrlKey['value'], $newUrlKey)) {
    echo "-[".$oldUrlKey['value']."]\n";
    echo "+[".$newUrlKey."]\n";
    if ($oldUrlKey['value'] === null) {
      $dbHandle->query("INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_url_key (entity_type_id, attribute_id, store_id, entity_id, value) VALUES ('4', '90', '0', '".$product['entity_id']."', '".$newUrlKey."')");
    } else {
      $dbHandle->query("UPDATE catalog_product_entity_url_key SET value = '".$newUrlKey."' WHERE entity_id = '".$product['entity_id']."'");

  $report  = "[".++$productCounter."] ";
  $report .= "NAME: [".(strcmp($oldProductName['value'], $newProductName)?'!=':'==')."] ";
  $report .= "V_KEY: [".(strcmp($oldVarcharUrlKey['value'], $newUrlKey)?'!=':'==')."] ";
  $report .= "PATH: [".(strcmp($oldUrlPath['value'], $newUrlKey.'.html')?'!=':'==')."] ";
  $report .= "KEY: [".(strcmp($oldUrlKey['value'], $newUrlKey)?'!=':'==')."]\n";
  echo $report;

echo 'Total Products: ['.$productCounter.'] Names: ['.$nameFixCounter.'] V_Keys: ['.$vUrlKeyFixCounter.'] Paths: ['.$urlPathCounter.'] Keys: ['.$urlKeyCounter.']';

The code can be tweaked to use Magentos formatKey method here: unfortunately I came across the wiki after I updated all the keys so I didn't bother reupdating everything again.

Hope that helps :)!

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