Magento CMS Block – Code Not Saving Issue


I am trying to edit a simple static block in Magento
The static block is the main page of the Ma-Cance theme.

When I try to add a <p class="img5"></p> to the static block, and add some content, then save it… it throws away the code I just added.

I have no clue why this is happening…

The webstore is on a local Xampp server.
I have cleared all Magento's general caches and all other cache options are turned off…

Does anyone know what is happening?

SIDE NOTE: I know how to code in the Wysiwyg editor by using the Show/Hide button

Turning off the Wysiwyg editor seems to give me back my code, but why doesn't it save the code when it is turned on by default?

Best Answer

For adding HTML, first click on :

Show/Hide Editor

to disable the tools of editor and then add you tags

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