Magento 1.9 – Completely Disabling Frontend Customer Registration


So I have read a few threads which all go into detail of removing the create account login button, hiding the content, and even creating a mini extension to remove such activity (

I have done all of these, however still adding customer/account/create/ to the end of the webstore still persists with a create account page. Any ideas what I can do here? I have a webstore in which we manually create each account, however it appears someone has found the loophole and persists in creating an account. Thanks!

Best Answer

You can simply use event controller_action_predispatch_customer_account_create to disable registration.

Register the event-observer


Implement the Observer Model


 * @category   MagePsycho
 * @package    MagePsycho_Customer
 * @author
 * @website
 * @license  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
class MagePsycho_Customer_Model_Observer
    public function controllerActionPredispatchCustomerAccountCreate(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)

That's all. Don't forget to remove Register links from wherever it's visible :)

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