Magento – completely remove admin module from Magento


Ok, so several times now I've had magento be a utter b**** when it comes to updating my custom modules and it would save me an awful amount of time if i could just remove them completely. Important to note these always include a database table.

Currently to uninstall I delete the relevent files in app/etc/modules, app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout and the folder in app/code/local/namespace/.

I also delete the table (modules contain install script anyway) and the reference in core_resource. I also delete the var folder, clear the cash and index to be damn sure it should all be gone.

Now if i were to then try to re-add an up dated module (with the same version number) with new fields in the model, it will somehow know what the original fields were and not add the new fields. This screams to me that I've not removed all the data in the database regarding this module.

What am i missing?

Best Answer

As already explained in your other question and as @Fabian Blechschmidt states, you simply just disable module (admin > config > system > advanced) and then remove the entry from the database table core_resource and clear cache/sessions as necessary. This removes the install information for that extension from Magento. Then you would delete the necessary files and folders relating to that extension.

If this isn't working for you, then you've either done something wrong, your Magento install has more serious issues or your extension is inserting multiple traces and references to it in other places in the structure/database.

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