Tax Calculation Error – Completely Wrong Tax Calculation


I have set up a tax rate of 21% (Belgian Tax). This tax rate applies to all products (Taxable Goods) through the needed Tax Rule.

Let's take a product with a price of 6.82€ (tax included). Magento shows "[Inc. Tax €1.18]" on the Price tab for this product.

This is completely wrong: 6.82€ * 0.21 = 1.4322€ (-> compared to 1.18€)

As a result, the tax information on the shopping cart and on invoices are totally wrong.

I have this set-up in System > Configuration > Tax:

  • Tax Calculation Method Based On: Total
  • Tax Calculation Based On: Shipping Origin
  • Catalog Prices: Including Tax
  • Shipping Prices: Including Tax
  • Apply Customer Tax: Before Discount
  • Apply Discount On Prices: Excluding Tax
  • Apply Tax On: Custom price if available

I can't find what is going wrong. Any help would be fully appreciated.

Best Answer

Actually the numbers are ok. 6.82 Including tax means that 6.82 = 1.21 * (price_without_tax).
This means that price without tax = 6.82 / 1.21 = 5.64.
And the tax is 6.82 - 5.64 = 1.18.

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