Magento 1.8 – Conditionally Change Layout Template for Catalog Search


What I need to do is, if a person search for a product then if products found the layout need to be page/2columns-left.phtml with layered navigation but if there were no results then its layout should be page/1column.phtml and it will display new products, popular products.

One of the solution I came around is to override the CatalogSearch/ResultController's indexAction() where I can get whether $query->getNumResults() is 0 or not. On that basis how could I load layout differently?

If there's another better approach to this, that would be helpful too.

Best Answer

1.Add layout handle in catalogsearch.xml:

    <reference name="root">
        <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
    <reference name="content">
        <!--  add your blocks here-->

2.Load this handle in controller:

public function indexAction()
     * some codes here

    if ($someValueIsTrue) {

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