Magento – configurable product not allowing add to cart with only custom option selected


This is driving me crazy! All the products on my site are configurable products they all have 1 or more associated simple products attached to them they all also have a custom option check-box.

My issue is that my system will not allow add to cart when only the product option is selected it keeps saying please select from the associated products.

How do I make my system so that it will allow add the product to the cart with only the custom option selected?

I really appreciate any help with this issue I am going round in circles.


Best Answer

I don't understand what your problem is.

In magento a configurable product represents a group of simple products. When you add a configurable to your cart, in reality you are adding a simple product to your cart with another label.

When you omit the choice of the attribute, the system don't know what to add to the cart, so do I.

What is the intended behavior when you don't choose any option?

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