Magento – Configuring Magento Enterprise to Print UPS Return Labels


I've been working to get the Enterprise_Rma module configured to print return labels using UPS.

I've run into a handful of somewhat odd hiccups thus far.

  • The Mode parameter doesn't have to be set to Live in order to be in Live mode. It seems to only affect whether or not CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER is used in the cURL request.
  • I've had to flip UPS Type back and forth a bit between United Parcel Service and United Parcel Service XML in order to get rates to show up when creating a shipping label. At first, it didn't show any rates when using the latter.

But the main question I have right now is how to properly change the ShipAccept and ShipConfirm API endpoint URLs from their default sandbox (might also be called Customer Integration Environment by UPS) values to the production values.

The sandbox values are:

'ShipConfirm' => '',
'ShipAccept'  => '',

And the production values need to be:

'ShipConfirm' => '',
'ShipAccept'  => '',

The ShipConfirm endpoint can be configured with the config path carriers/ups/url but the ShipAccept doesn't seem possible to change in any way other than modifying Mage_Usa_Model_Shipping_Carrier_Ups directly.

Best Answer

The Mage_Usa carrier models are half-baked.. I suggest core replacement in app/code/local/Mage/Usa/... E.g. I replaced their protected properties with:

protected $_apiUrls = array(
    self::DEVELOPMENT => array(
        'ShipConfirm' => '',
        'ShipAccept'  => '',
        'XAV'  => '',  // Only works for NY or CA addresses
        'Void'  => '',
    self::PRODUCTION => array(
        'ShipConfirm' => '',
        'ShipAccept'  => '',
        'XAV'  => '',
        'Void'  => '',

Then change the code to fetch the URL like:

$url = $this->_apiUrls[(int)$this->getConfigFlag(self::IS_PRODUCTION)]['ShipConfirm'];
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