Magento – Connect Manager not able to install


I've recently move my Magento shop from one server to another, and since then I haven't had else but problems. I can't blame the host because they are running on professional servers with CentOS, where I used to run it from a Mac Mini with MAMP Pro installed.

But the system doesn't send out mails, so I figured I would try to install the ASchroder SMTP Pro plugin for sending out mails through SMTP instead. But I can't install it from the Magento Connect Manager.

When I paste the install-path to the downloader, and press 'Install' it's only output is:

Connection Error try again later.

I've looked at my settings, file permissions and such, but nothing has worked so far. My Magento Connect Manager settings is as following:

My settings for Magento Connect Manager

As you can see, I can't select Local Filesystem.

Can anybody help me with either the mail sending problems or the Connect Manager installation problems?

Best Answer

Please make sure that you're entering the correct FTP details by trying to access the server using an FTP client like FileZilla/SmartFTP etc.

If you are, make sure that you are using the correct key from MagentoConnect:

Alternately, as a temporary solution, you can download the source files directly off of MagentoConnect using this tool:

Simply paste the key into the textarea, then install onto your file server via FTP client.

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