Magento 1.9 – Connect Manager Returns No Release Found


I have a problem. My site doesn't use ssl for now. When i try to install an extension from magento connect by using magento connect manager it just returning "please wait" screen and after a while its showing No releases for 'Clarion_Customerattribute', skipping for example.

I tried everything and i get this error about all extension, i tried a lot different extensions.

I tried to delete cache.cfg and connect.cfg from "download" folder.

What you guys can suggest?

enter image description here

enter image description here

I also tried installing extension with ssh and setted the permissiıon of mage-setup to 550.
This is the screen i get after these steps.

enter image description here

Best Answer

To resolve this problem just navigate to Settings and find Magento Connect Channel Protocol:

You have to change it from HTTP to FTP!

This will resolve your problem.

Tested and working, please if it works for you mark my answer as an answer for your question!