Magento – Consumer “async.operations.all” skipped as required connection “amqp” is not configured. Unknown connection name amqp


Since I upgraded from Magento 2.2.7 to Magento 2.3.1 I am getting this message in the system.log file:

main.INFO: Consumer "async.operations.all" skipped as required connection "amqp" is not configured. Unknown connection name amqp [] []

I get this error also on a fresh Magento 2.3.1 install.

Where could I configure or disable it?

Best Answer

The answer from @Rafael CorrĂȘa Gomes (and any to the point that mentions either 'cron_run' => false or 'consumers' => ['async.operations.all'] in the configuration are quite outrageous because they make many folks copy-paste and destroy their message queues from functioning.

cron_run set to false in configuration means that the message consumers are not going to be launched by the Magento cron. It means that you will have to run them using other means like SupervisorD or SystemD. And if not (and those answers don't mention that at all), you will have broken stuff beyond words "message queues", which includes, at very minimum, data export in Magento admin.

The documentation that is being referred to when posting such configuration has incorrect heading below this section with words:

Specific configuration

instead of

Sample configuration

It is a sample, and not a standard. Neither it is a recommendation to solve anything.

But, while the docs are at fault, it doesn't excuse skipping the lines and not reading further, then posting destructive solutions online.

The real solution is either disabling the Bulk API which most installations don't use, essentially:

php bin/magento module:disable Magento_WebapiAsync

Or, configure RabbitMQ if you want the bulk API (highly unlikely, depends on specific use case).