Consumer Not Authorized to Access Resources in Magento 2


I am bulding a mobile app and I know there are a lot of these questions and I went trough them all, but i still got this problem (Using Magento 2.2.2). I tried with curl, postman, and i get this message

message : "Consumer is not authorized to access %resources" parameters
: {resources: "self"}

This is my request (Postman)

GET /rest/V1/customers/me HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer grw5y9b3se261541evcdl1js8jd27c8f
Cache-Control: no-cache

What i did so far:

  • I did put space on Bearer grw5y9b3se261541evcdl1js8jd27c8f
  • Checked everything multiple times (letter by letter)

Further explanation:

This is a new installation of Magento with sample data.
I have read the documentation here , and i am doing it using Customer access tokens. (Since i am doing a mobile app i chose this way) I also registered/created a customer and with his email / password i am doing the following:

(Curl example)

curl -X POST ""
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d "{"username":"", "password":"customer1pw"}"

and that returns me token, with it i am trying to do a request (see Postman request) to see user data, but with no success. Am i missing something here? Something in apache, php? or am i doing something wrong.


Since nothing worked I deleted Magento and did a fresh installation again, and now it works, I didn't do anything different than before, and that is very confusing.

Best Answer

I tried the below two options in different M2 versions:

  • After login in Customer Account, tried to access http://<hostname>/rest/V1/customers/me Rest API with session based access.
  • Using Customer token tried to access V1/customers/me Rest API using Advanced Rest Client

In Magento version 2.1.6 both above options worked fine.

In Magento version 2.2.2, I was getting Consumer is not authorized error in first option but able to get the customer info from second info.