Magento – Contact Form Does not send email – no errors or logs


am attempting to use the built-in Magento contact form. I have enabled the contact form in the configuration as well as set all email addresses. I have login enabled. When I use the form it redirects and states that the email has been sent successfully. No errors are present in log files. The php_mail.log shows the emails being sent. A cron job is set up and enabled. I can't figure out why I am not receiving emails from the contact form? Any help is appreciated. Magento 1.9.2.

Best Answer

I had this same issue: No errors, Success pop up message. but i'd never receive the email...

In my case, i forgot to configure the SMTPPro module in Magento Admin Painel:
System -> Configuration -> Aschroder Extensions -> SMTP Pro -> General Config.

Custom SMTP
port 587

If you don't use this module, this info might be useful too:

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