CE – Contact Form Going to Different URL and Not Sending


I'm trying to add attachment for magento's contact form to allow users to send artwork for their orders and having the follow problem.

The form is on the following url http://boxchilli.co/a3mdirect/final-upload

Once you fill in the information, upload your image and hit submit the form redirects to http://boxchilli.co/contacts/index/post it also doesn't send any email out.

http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/440759/ I followed this guide on adding upload to the form so my code looks like the following link.

Best Answer

There is a problem with the url where you submit the form.
The form action is relative /contacts/index/post. It needs to be absolute. BASE_URL/contacts/index/post.
For this, edit the template that is rendering the form and add the form action like this:

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