Magento – Contact us email not sending


I am working in localhost with Magento 1.7. When I fill the form under the contact us page (myurl/contacts/), I don't receive any email at all.

I have checked Admin -> System -> Genera -> Conctacts, and I have the option enabled, and the email set to my email account. I tried 'Custom Email 1' and 'Custom Email 2'. Still, I receive no email when I fill and send the contacts form.

I already tried to change $this->getFormAction(); and use getUrl() as suggested in other posts, but I obtained no result.

Whenever I create a new user, for example, I receive an email, so I guess that the problem is not sending emails but there must be another problem.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

Best Answer

Try this, Hope It's helpful for you.

your website is just on localhost, which does not support sending email (some tools allow but not many).

The following solution will help you much with email problem of Magento on localhost, which enables you debug and test email.

Link to download: (Download Magento SMTP Pro Extension by Ashley Schroder (free)

For More details,kindly visit below URLs:-