Magento – Contact Us Success Message Not Displaying Properly


I'm using the standard Contact Us page in Magento and it is not in a CMS page. When a customer sends a message, the success message does display. However, the page header is moved down and displays on top of the success message. I have looked everywhere and have no idea how to fix this. Feel free to send me a test message to see what I mean. Use the Contact Us link in the footer of

enter image description here

The only thing I could find in the Magento files relating to the success message was found in app/code/core/Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php. Here's the message code…

                Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->addSuccess(Mage::helper('contacts')->__('Your inquiry was submitted and will be responded to as soon as possible. Thank you for contacting us.'));
            } catch (Exception $e) {

                Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->addError(Mage::helper('contacts')->__('Unable to submit your request. Please, try again later'));

I can't find anywhere to modify WHERE the message appears since it seems to bump my page header down.

Best Answer

This is not due to magento's code. Please make changes in css.

  • Open styles.css
  • Add class

    .contacts-index-index .page-title { margin:0; }