Magento – Core Javascript files aren’t working, and admin menu’s won’t dropdown


I have been migrating a Magento install to one server from another. Normally an everyday process – however I have hit a brick wall, and I think I've hit that point where I am too frustrated to see the solution which hopefully is right in front of my eyes…

All my core JavaScript files seem to be giving me problems, on both the front end and the back end. I can't use the Magento admin menu's, because they're managed by the core js files…

Here's the screens of the error messages showing up in firebug.



My first thought was permissions weren't set correctly on the JS folder, but I've reset them 3 times, so it shouldn't be that unless 755 for the folders and 644 for the files is incorrect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

The answer for me turns out to be related to the Magento JS and CSS Minification process.

Prior to the migration I enabled them and disabled them after noticing a few problems with the process. It went back to working order on the live site, however it completely modified the theme's javascript and css files.

Replacing all the RWD theme CSS and Javascript files along with my child theme's CSS and Javascript files resolved the problem.

I wish there was a way to recover the non-modified CSS files but if redoing my CSS file is the worst outcome from all this I am okay with it.

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